Sunday, October 7, 2007

Don Imus Back on Air?

Wow, who would of thought it. Six months after the "nappy headed ho" firestorm that led to the firing of shock jock Don Imus, the radio veteran may return to the airwaves soon as part of a new deal with Citadel Broadcasting. The impending deal appears to rule out any potential move to satellite radio, Variety reports. Meanwhile, Sirius Satellite Radio chief Mel Karmazin indicated over the summer that he, too, would be interested in signing Imus to a deal.

As you all SHOULD know, Imus was fired this past year for stating that the girls of the Rutgers Basketball team were all nappy headed hos. I can understand that he was only "joking" but some things can't be taken lightly, or they turn into something else. After the big episode that was a product of Imus's talk radio show, he apologized. He won a 20 million dollar settlement with CBS radio to terminate the contract.

The civil suits against him, including one from a Rutgers women's basketball team member, were dropped.

Some people think that it was taken out of control and to the next level. While others disagree and feel that he made a clear racist remark to the girls on the Rutgers basketball team. If you ask me what I think, I don't really care. I never heard Don Imus on the radio and I only heard that one quote that he spoke about those girls. If I heard the entire broadcast maybe I could have a substantial opinion about him. But I don't, so as for me, I can care less.

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