Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Boy lost in the Amazon!!

What the heck? How does that happen? Do you even know what I'm talking about? HA Ok well, a little three year old boy was lost in the Amazon for eleven whole days. How incredible is that!? Ok so you might be wondering..how does a three year old get lost? Reports say that he followed his father into the forrest..what I'm thinking is, where is the mother to be watching after him? How can a three year old child just wonder off by themself with no adult supervision and if I'm wrong and the father led the boy into the forrest what in gods name is wrong with this father!?

Neilson Oliveira Lima was apparently unharmed apart from suffering from dehydration and having thorns in his feet and legs, police said. The boy disappeared from his home in the rural community of Pupuai on September 16. He was found on September 27 about two miles away. He was found by his cousin, who was out hunting.

It seems as if the family didn't search enough for him if his "cousin" found him while he was off hunting, mind you it was eleven days later. And boy is he lucky to be alive. If I don't eat for like three hours I swear that I will die of starvation. I thought this was kind of intersting even though its not relative to my other blogs. However it is sort of entertainment I got a laugh out of reading about it.

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